Not the best of conditions today, but the best of friends did show for George's Birthday. Freezing rain put us in the brown bag room early today to celebrate #48 for George. Welcome back to John and Cindy after a short recess from Solitude, we knew you could not stay away for long.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Happy Birthday Crazy George #48
Friday, November 28, 2008
2" of Powder today, it's something!

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Another Beautiful Sunday for Us!
We need snow but no body is complaining. Just good friends and good times are to be had. We did get a couple of nights of snow making finally due to cooler temps at night, they should be here to stay. In the forecast for around Thanksgiving day is SNOW!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
The Beach Boys

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Spring Like Days!
If we did not know better, it could be April 1, spring like conditions!! Plenty of sunshine, groomed runs with a little crust but very fast. All we need now is some more snow. Update on BK: he is doing well, has some swelling in his knee, but won't go to the doctor and he is up and working in his garden. We have been talking with him daily from the beach. He'll will be back asap, that's the real Iron Man. All quads are still open with limited runs, but overall from last year, much better opening.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Opening Day 2008
Great opening day, sunny skies, 4 lifts open and almost spring like conditions. The two new lifts Apex Express and Moonbeam Express are great. They whisk you up the mountain in less then 4 minutes. It seems like you just get on as you speed to the top and slow down at just the right moment to get off. There are some really icy spots that are tricky, on a unhappy note, Bill took a fall today on some pure ice (in the bowl) and received a sled ride down. From early reports, it hopefully sounds like there is nothing broken and we'll know more tomorrow. Our thoughts are with him for a speedy recovery!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Friday Friday Friday! Opening Day
"As far as opening day goes, unfortunately, our ticketing partner encountered unexpected problems with our new gates, delaying delivery. We will be visually inspecting all passes over the next few weeks. In order to do this we will need ALL VISITORS to check in at the ticket office.We know this is a huge inconvenience for you, and we sincerely apologize. On a positive note, the new gates are very nice and feature 360 degrees of “scanability.” In the future you won’t have to do the “which pocket is my pass in” dance against the turnstile! Once the new gates are in, you’ll thank us…"
We'll ski you there! Full pictures and a Friday report to follow.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
First tracks on Diamond Lane this season goes to...
First Big Snow of the 08 - 09 Season!
Look at what happened overnight, 22" (mid mountain) just like that! In celebration a few us had our little party on the Moonbeam deck today. It made the hairs stand up on the back of my neck in anticipation, opening day is just around the corner. This is how things looked just 7 days ago:
Monday, November 3, 2008
Coming Soon: 2008 - 2009 Season!!