George has officially made it to #47! Great party with lots of goodies as usual. John and Jay came by to see us today from their busy snow making / grooming schedule. The bowl is almost ready and who will the lucky fog be that skis it first tomorrow? Details to come. Psst, Dorries birthday is Tuesday, get your party hats ready.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Happy Birthday Crazy George #47
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Brown to White, Just Like That!
Our sacrifice worked! Did you have any doubt? From brown to a beautiful white just overnight. It's only 7", but we will take anything we can get. It will just get deeper and whiter from here on out. Eagle Express in coming on Friday...
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Sacrifice to the Snow Gods IV
The Snow Gods were called upon again today. It is said that the person that sees our sacrificed virgin on the beach will have good luck. Are you feeling lucky?
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Going to the Beach
We opened up the beach for the year. As you can see, it was a hike up to our sunny fortress. All the snow is still made-made, unfortunately. It maybe time to sacrifice a virgin again. Drat, who let those mice in here?
Friday, November 23, 2007
The Crazy George Cam - Take 1
And away we go, it's the Crazy George Cam! Video takes about 10 secs to load.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Grumpy and his Merry Crew

Tuesday, November 20, 2007
20 Years since I left Oz Party, Nov 29th

Its coming up on 20 years since I first left Australia for Kitzbuhel, Austria (via Singapore and Belgrade), little did I know what was in store for me back in 1987.
We are having a huge party exactly 20 years to the minute that I boarded flight 581 to Singapore, 4:20pm, on Nov. 29th 2007.
Please spread the word, Mary and I hope to see you all on the 29th. We have plenty of Beer, Wine, Mary's Famous Sausage Rolls and assorted munchies. We will start partying at 4:20pm, and continue until very late(unless it will be a powder day on the 30th).
G'day to all,
Contact me or one of the fogs if you need more info,
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Two Fogs in Training Day
Friday, November 16, 2007
Opening Day for the 07-08 Season
Opening day for the 07-08 season was today! Fog's seen today: Jim, Ron, Bernie, Patty, CG, Scott, Bill, Ray, Karl and Mary. We braved the elements (the lack of) but had a great time. The slide show shows CG & Jim getting 2nd chair of the season (I think Ray was on the 1st). 3 runs actually made into one from the top of Moonbeam chairlift: Pokey Pine to Same Street to Lower Little Dollie, Easy Street was open on Link as well. You'll see in the slideshow the ride up Moombeam and what we have for snow looking left and right from the chair. Overall, nice day and it was fun to get on the skis again. The Solitude crew has done a great job with what they have (1st open resort in UT) and we are looking forward to many more days to come.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Last Off Season Luncheon
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Only One Wednesday Luncheon Left
Well, we had more snow the last few weeks then what's left today. But, Solitude has been making snow and getting at least a few runs ready for opening day. Jay is working on grooming the man made snow. Let's keep our fingers crossed and hope we have a couple more dumps before the start of the season. Even if it's only an inch, we'll still have some fun. See CG's contribution below to make sure it's all ok for everyone!
Sacrifice to the Snow Gods III
One last attempt to bring some snow for opening day. CG even wore his Daleboots today to make this sacrifice. She didn't go easy, but in the end, she was no match for CG and lost her head. Snow will be on the way soon...